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Behaviour Principles

Behaviour Principles

At Lickhill Primary School we expect the highest standards of behaviour and we make a point of acknowledging, praising and rewarding behaviour that is good.  In order for our children to learn effectively we accept that time must be invested in establishing and reinforcing our expectations of good behaviour.

The development of positive social, emotional and learning behaviours is at the heart of our approach. 

‘Social and emotional competencies have been found to be a more significant determinant of academic achievement than IQ.’

(Duckworth and Seligman, 2005)


We aim to enable pupils to experience challenges, succeed in their learning, and have a sense that learning can be fun and relevant to their lives, become independent, enthusiastic learners with a willingness to take risks.  From the earliest opportunity pupils will be encouraged to build tolerance, make good choices and take responsibility in readiness to be fully equipped for an ever changing and fast paced future. We aim to actively promote high self-esteem and high aspirations for all pupils, through an ethos that values every child. Being able to manage and understand their emotions, to apply thinking between feeling and action and to increasingly show empathy and understanding to others is core to our work. 

To find out more, please read our Behaviour Policy. 

Five and Thrive

To raise self-esteem and aspiration we have developed our Five and Thrive wheels with our children, parents and staff.  This articulates the habits, attitudes and mindset needed to achieve success.


We foster a culture where it is not only accepted that children will make mistakes, but expected - after all, they are learning how to be good citizens as much as they are learning curriculum content. At Lickhill we believe that behaviours can only be changed when children are given opportunities to reflect and learn from their mistakes.


“Making up is more important than messing up!” Zeedyk 2019


When we are given opportunities to reflect and learn from our mistakes with a supportive model of how to achieve this, we are more likely to change these behaviours for good. When we all accept that mistakes are part of every day life, we can focus on what is really important - learning from them. 
