Our curriculum is based on the latest research about how children learn best. Our curriculum and pedagogy is connected, cumulative and coherent. It is connected because children learn new information best when it is linked to what they already know. It is cumulative because knowledge builds between subjects and across the school years, and it is coherent because knowledge is delivered in small steps with consistent pedagogy across the school. We believe that knowing things is important and so we invest considerable curriculum time in linking new learning to what children already know, and in retrieval, to help the knew learning stick, as well as giving children a variety of opportunities to apply their learning in different contexts. At the core of our curriculum is reading, because without fluent reading children can’t access the curriculum fully. We have a ‘keep up not catch up’ approach to early reading, we read daily with our classes and we are developing reading for pleasure to give children a life-long love of reading.
At Lickhill Primary School teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that offers inclusion for all pupils in the class. All children in school should be getting this as a part of excellent classroom practice. Some children however will need additional support to meet the targets set in each year group. We ensure that we support all of our pupils, including those with SEND, in order that they can achieve and thrive.
We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
At Lickhill Primary School we have identified three main strands of learning that allow us to focus on the unique needs of our
pupils. The Drivers provide us with the medium of fulfilling our curriculum intent, enabling our children to flourish and be
prepared for the next stage of their education.
Remote Learning Plan
Yearly curriculum overviews can be found on individual class pages.
For more information about the curriculum, please contact the school directly or look at National Curriculum for Primary Schools on this link:-