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Online Safety

The September Online Safety Newsletter looks at social media algorithms and how they deliberately track users' interest. This can lead to increased screentime as we continue to see things that interest us. Secondly, it can lead to users being shown large amounts of inappropriate content which can exacerbate negative body image or heighten access to misogyny content. It can also lead to ‘echo chambers’ where you are only seeing content that relates to your opinion rather than seeing a balanced viewpoint.

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Jane Lloyd 

Online Safety Lead - Ms Kate Harcup


contact the office to report an issue with online safety to be forwarded to the people responsible for this above. -


Here you will find our latest online safety newsletter and other useful links

For past newsletters please scroll further down to the bottom of the page.


To use some social media apps or games, children might persuade a parent to input their age as older than their actual age. This is only an instant solution. As the child grows up, the algorithm in the app will drop any child filters when it believes the user is 18. The young app or game user is then exposed to content which is suitable for adults.

For example, for an app or game that has an age limit of 13, an 8 year old who signs up will be treated as an adult when they reach 13 years of age. 
Please follow this link for more information:


Anonymous apps- information for parents

Cybersecurity in school and at home- read this useful blog

Online Safety Advice for Parents

Lickhill children sorting ideas for what makes a good friend online and what might not.

Lickhill Safer Internet week 2023 begins on 14th  February. This year the theme was:

Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.

During the week, children worked with their teachers on whole class activities and also in small groups. They also discussed the messages around how to stay safe online and the the importance of speaking to adults if they need help. At the end of the week the whole school came together in a special assembly to share their learning. For further information, this page has lots of useful links as well as a library of monthly online safety newsletter containing information useful for parents.


2022 theme: All Fun and Games?

Exploring Respect and Relationships Online.

For our Safer Internet week, children from all classes have been considering the powerful influence that the Internet and technology has on their lives. Not surprisingly, children were eager to talk about and explore this emotive subject, responding in a very honest and mature way. The Activities and resulting work culminated in an assembly where every child had a voice - there were posters, sketches and some very interesting data analysis.

Beginning with the youngest, Reception children reported on the types of devices that would be considered as being ‘technology’ or computers. They made models of the items are proudly displayed them in our assembly.

Year 1's message was that there are so many other ways to have fun with friends! Even through the internet is great fun, there many games and activities that can be enjoyed without the use of a screen.

Year 2 told us about the importance of using kind words on the internet. They reminded us of the SMART rules to use when online.

Year 3 children performed a short sketch about the different ways a written message could be interpreted. They read the same message out loud, but with different expression and intonation each time… the results were astonishing. Their main message was to be very clear when messaging friend as you could might upset someone without realising.

Year 4 also reminded us of the SMART rules for online behaviour. They also reported on the age limits of some apps and that they are there for a reason. Think carefully before you sign up for an app which is for older children

Year 5 presented a PowerPoint with the results of their ‘Digital Detox’. They agreed to have 24 hours without the use of the Internet. This was tough, more so for some children than others! They reported on the benefits and drawbacks of a life without any technology. Although they agreed that they missed their time online, they felt that there were benefits. Time spent with friends, family, following a hobby or reading can be very good for mental health.

Year 6 reported on having had a discussion in class, in response to different scenarios that might occur while online with friends. Their responses were considered thoughtful. The online world is an amazing resource for us all, but we do need to be careful and use it wisely.

We are very proud of our children at Lickhill. They are genuinely aware of the need to be guided through the online world; they recognise the difficult decisions they need to make as they continue to grow older. Our role as the safe and trusted adult is absolutely crucial in guiding, modelling positive behaviours and enforcing rules so that they can enjoy the online world safely.

Online Safety Advice from West Mercia Police Youth Engagement Team


For children of all ages, the subject of internet safety is probably the most requested topic delivered in schools by West Mercia Police Youth Engagement team, and they are regularly asked to speak to parents too.


Attached to the link for a parent guide produced by Think You Know / CEOP, which may help parents to keep their children safe online.


Amongst the issues covered are grooming, bullying, sexting & social media.

Keep scrolling down for previous Lickhill safety newsletters.

At Lickhill we are committed to the safety of all our pupils, and keeping children safe online is very important to us.

The Internet is a highly creative space where opportunities are valuable, productive and highly beneficial for all. However, accessing this incredible resource safely is very important. We aim to help our parents and children develop a secure understanding of e- safety, in order to use the Internet along with all digital media safely and securely.


Introducing 4-7s website and guide for parents and carers.


What’s new?

Featuring characters and messages from the CEOP Education Jessie and Friends Resource, the new 4-7s website helps children to develop the skills and knowledge they need to stay safer when spending time online.

Designed for children to visit with their parents, carers or other supervising adults, users complete ‘badges’ where they help the characters, Jessie, Tia and Mo, to identify when to ‘Tell a Grown Up’ (TAG) in different situations online.

The CEOP Education team is part of the National Crime Agency. We run a national online safety education programme, which provides training, resources and information for children and young people aged 4 - 18, their families and professionals who work with them.  

This website is a part of our programme.

The characters on this website also feature in Jessie & Friends, a three episode animated series for 4-7 year olds.

The Jessie & Friends animations are free to download and come with fun, engaging lesson plans for teachers and other professionals, and advice for parents and carers on watching them with children at home.

Each badge asks a series of questions, aimed at helping children to recognise worrying or frightening situations online. Answering each question correctly earns a star. When children have answered all the questions in a badge and collected three stars, they will get a certificate to download or print and colour in.

Free Support for Parents

If you’re looking to consolidate your child’s online safety learning, Parent Zone is offering virtual parent sessions to help.

Designed to complement Be Internet Legends, the live sessions give parents key information on issues such as cyberbullying, protecting personal information, how to share information online carefully, and more. There’s also the opportunity to ask questions and share techniques with other parents from across the UK.

There are dates available throughout the autumn term, so please get the dates in your diary!


Parental Controls Booklet

Google Legendary Learner and Well being pack for Families

This guide will help you set up parental controls to provide your child with a safer online environment. Parental controls can help to protect your child from seeing something that they shouldn’t - although it is important to emphasise that no system is effective all of the time so it is important to engage with your child and talk to them about their online life regularly.

Home Activity Packs from

Each fortnight a new home activity pack is released with simple 15 minute activities for parents and carers to do with their children, which support online safety at home.

You can access the packs on the parents and carers website.

Packs are available for:

  • 3-5s
  • 5-7s
  • 8-10s
  • 11-13s
  • 14+
Further information for parents:

Safer Internet Day February 2021

This year we celebrated with a week of activities and discussions set around the theme of keeping safe and alert online. ‘Together for a better Internet,’ encourages everyone to join together to make the Internet a safer and better place for all, especially for children and young people.

Fun Fact: Approximately 170 countries worldwide celebrated Safer Internet day this year.

On Thursday 11th February 2021, children at Lickhill Primary School and at home logged in to watch the National Assembly with Google and Parent Zone’s Be Internet Legends. Among other top tips, we learned how to make our passwords more secure and how to stay safe online.

Why not sit down together and watch a family of four Internauts as they embark on an epic journey in Interland.

Click here for the link :‘The Legends Family Adventure’.

Monthly Newsletter

These monthly newsletters are packed with helpful information and advice on many of the popular games and activities that young people encounter every day online.

April 24 Onwards

April 2023 Onwards

April 2022 Onwards

Previous Lickhill Online Safety Newsletters

Safer Internet Day Assembly
