Writing Rationale
At Lickhill Primary School, we believe that writing is an integral part of education
and success in society. We aim to provide a high-quality writing curriculum that
teaches children how to speak and listen effectively (using our strong emphasis on
developing oracy across school) and to write and communicate ideas effectively
for a variety of audiences. This well help to fully prepare our pupils for the next step
of their learning journey. We are determined that every child will learn to write with
fluency and automaticity which enables them to flourish in all aspects of the school
At Lickhill Primary School, our children:
• Learn to form the letters of the alphabet accurately in EYFS using RWI rhymes, developing
fluency in Year 1. In year 2 and beyond children learn cursive writing in order
to write with speed and consistency with an explicit handwriting lesson used to
practice this key skill.
• Learn to structure sentences correctly, learning a range of grammatical
conventions as stated in the National Curriculum.
• Become accurate spellers by developing the phonic knowledge learnt in
EYFS and KS1 and learning spelling rules and conventions in KS2.
• Apply their handwriting, grammatical and spelling knowledge to write
creatively for a range of different audiences and purposes.
Writing in EYFS is taught using the Read, Write Inc. phonics scheme and book focused writing curriculum. Using elements of Talk for Writing and Jane Considine to lay the foundations needed to progress through school. In Year 1-6 writing is taught using book focused curriculum. We follow the principles promoted within Jane Considine ‘The Write Stuff.’ A range of high-quality texts - which link to our wider curriculum- are used to inspire children to write creatively in a variety of genres. Children are taught to write for audience and purpose whilst being aware of positive and negative intent. Their work is shared and celebrated in a variety of ways. Children are also taught to apply their writing skills in other curriculum areas such as: answering key learning questions in History, Geography and RE; evaluating their work in DT and Art and reporting their findings and conclusions in science.
Substantive and disciplinary knowledge:
In writing, substantive knowledge is the ability to effectively plan, draft and construct
writing for different purposes. When constructing writing, this involves knowledge of
structural, grammatical, and linguistic features as well as knowledge of spelling and
Disciplinary knowledge is the ability to evaluate and edit text and apply substantive
knowledge to effectively write for a range of audiences and purposes. It is not only
demonstrating fluency when using different devices in writing, but it is the awareness of audience, and the ability to make choices based on effectiveness and coherence. This teaches children to think critically and creatively and to apply substantive knowledge skills.
Teachers respond to children’s work ‘in the moment’, guiding, supporting and challenging them to become successful writers. As children progress KS1 into Year 2, teachers continue to ‘mark in the moment’. Pink and green highlighters are used by teachers to draw children’s attention to their feedback and ‘purple polishing pens’ are introduced for taking ownership of the editing process.
From Reception, at regular points during the term, children complete an independent written task. Teachers mark these against National Curriculum expectations. From these assessments, next steps and future planning evolves.
At Lickhill Primary School, writing sessions are designed to be accessible for
children of all abilities and backgrounds. Adaptations will be made to curriculum,
equipment (including SEN specific lap-tops for targeted pupils) and to resources to
allow all pupils with SEND to write to the best of their ability. This also includes children
who are academically more able. Provision is also made for children with EAL. This
provision is monitored closely by the Writing leader in accordance with the SENDCo,
SLT and Governors