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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4


In Year 4 we continue to focus on independence and resilience towards learning.  Expectations are high; the Seven Secrets of Success are central to our school's ethos, as they are crucial to achieving lifelong success. Positive attitudes towards learning where children feel able to try new techniques, persevere and support each other are encouraged at all times.



We believe strongly in a creative curriculum. Links are made across the subjects within all academic areas (where possible), engaging pupils and making learning interesting, fun and relevant.


Teaching staff

Ms Harcup - Class Teacher

Mrs Wilding - Achievement Assistant

Weekly Timetable




  • Come to school wearing PE Kit
  • Homework due in




  • Homework given out
  • PE


  • Reading Diary 5 Reads counted
  • Forest school in the afternoon for the second half of the Autumn and Spring terms.
  • Music lesson: bring your clarinet


  • Tables Test
  • Spelling Test
  • Come to school in PE kit when there is no Forest school

What can Parents do?


The most important thing that parents and carers can do at home to support their child’s learning is regular reading followed by discussion about the book .Children are expected to read to an adult at home 5 times a week for ten minutes each time. They can record their own reads in their diary to share with the teachers and AAs at school.



Homework is usually given out on a a Wednesday and is then due in on Monday morning. It will vary between weekly tasks and longer creative work. The children will have 2/3 weeks for creative homework. If homework is not completed or the children have not read at home during the week they will attend homework sessions run during Friday lunchtimes (supervised by a teacher) to support them in completing work set outside the classroom.


Spelling and Tables

Spellings will be worked on and learned in class. There will be a test in school and children will be expected to work on their Common Exception Word list in their own time; these will be tested half termly. Tables will be given out every Friday and children will be tested the following Friday. Feel free to practise in the homework book and use Education city to increase motivation. Times Tables Rockstars is an excellent site for regular tables practise, fun and child friendly. The expectation is for 20 minutes practise to be completed by the children each week. on the. Building their confidence with the tables up to 12 will provide them will an excellent foundation for their mathematical development.


National Tables Check

At A Glance FAQs on the Year 4 Times Tables Test

What is the Year 4 Times Tables Test?

The Multiplication Tables Check is a newly introduced annual check on the times tables knowledge of Year 4s in England and Wales.

When will Year 4 take the Times Tables Test?

The test will be taken in June 2021. There is no set date on which all schools have to sit it, just a period of time – the 3-week check window – when it must be completed.

What is the pass mark for the Year 4 Times Tables Test?

There is no pass mark, fail, nor expected standard threshold. It is intended that schools use their own judgement as to any actions needed after the results.

What times tables do year 4 have to know?

By the end of Year 3 children should be fluent in the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 times tables, and then by the end of Year 4 children should know all their times tables up to 12.

Link for Government Guidance for Parents 


Life experiences

Ensuring your child has a healthy diet and a balance of activities both indoors and outdoors will prepare them well for life and learning. Although many children attend clubs, a visit to the park or a board game with friends and family will help set up good patterns of behaviour for the future. Please ensure your child has enough rest and sleep before coming to school. Turn off screens at least one hour before bed.



All uniform, including PE kit must be named. PE days are Monday and Friday.

Musical Instruments

In Year 4 we learn to play an instrument. This year we are learning how to play the cornet. Lessons are every Thursday afternoon, children take the instrument home to practise each week.

Year 4 Yearly Overview
