Stitching and collage in Year 2!
Year 2 got creative today, making dots for our whole school art display which is basedbon the book 'The Dot' by Peter H. Reynolds. The book is about a child who didn't believe they could draw. They learnt, that by taking a risk and having a go, they could achieve wonderful things!
We got out the needles and stitched away to create our dots! Year 2 faced some real challenges: threading a needle, tying knots, using a needle and remembering to pull the wool all the way through without getting in a tangle. The results were amazing! I was so impressed by their 'have a go' attitudes,resilience and supportive team work. We also had a couple of really messy tables where the children were collaging to create dots: they had to work in teams to cut up their resources into small pieces and glue them carefully onto card, ensuring that there were no gaps or pieces sticking out!
Keep your eyes peeled for the finished display!