Young Voices 2020
What an incredible day!! Last week - Tuesday 21st January, 37 of our Lickhill Choir members went to the Resort World Arena in Birmingham to perform a host of popular and show songs alongside many other schools from the Midlands. The choir was over 6000 strong and the sound they made was astonishingly good!! Tony Hadley from Spandau Ballet, The Shires and Ruti Olajugbagbe , the winner of 2018 The Voice also performed with the choir as a backing group! The behaviour of Lickhill was once again impeccable and the enjoyment and smiles when performing was the key reason we enter such events. Singing in a choir is known to be the best source of happiness and well-being. Imagine what a choir of 6000+ can do to bring out those happy endorphins!! Well done to you all, Mrs Mallard, Miss Armstrong, Mrs Jones and myself were so very proud of you all.