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  • Year 5 DT: textiles

    Fri 18 Feb 2022 Mrs McLeod

    Thanks to all who sent in textiles and old jeans (more still needed so keep them coming!). Here are some photos (thanks Miss Armstrong) of the children today testing various fabrics to determine their properties. We then used wax to make cotton food wrappings.  The children were ace with applying their science knowledge on properties and fair testing to textiles.  🙂👏

  • Year 5 science

    Thu 03 Feb 2022 Mrs McLeod

    This morning,  we did 3 experiments to show irreversible changes. First, we made honeycomb, from sugar and syrup which reacts with bicarbonate of soda to form CO2. Then we did the classic Coke and Mentoes, followed by reacting vinegar and bicarb and containing the gas in a canister to create pressure. Some were more successful than others,  but several went twice as high as the school roof!
