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  • Compliments!

    Thu 18 Jul 2019 Mrs Murrells

    This morning Year 2 spent time thinking about why each and every member of the class is brilliant! 

    They each had a piece of paper stuck to their back and had to go round to each person and write something positive about them on their piece of paper. The smiles and giggles were infectious! When they were finally allowed to peal off the paper from their back and read them, the room was full of fuzzy, gorgeous happiness! We realised that giving compliments to others make us feel just as good as receiving compliments! 


    After that everyone's name went into a hat and we picked a name out at random. Then they made a paper creation for that person to show them how much we appreciate them! The thoughtfulness, creativeness and gorgeousness flooding from the children was beautiful! 


    Year 2 did themselves proud - ready to be Year 3s!  

  • Year 6 end of year (school) treat

    Wed 17 Jul 2019 Mrs McLeod
    We had a great day out at the park and the children were beautiful.  Thank you to Justin Minor for the very generous donation of some go-kart rides and crazy golf for each child. The photos say it all!
  • School Council Party!

    Tue 16 Jul 2019
    School council had a lovely time on Monday afternoon at their party. The children have dedicated so much of their time to the council throughout the year, meetings and recycling being just two of their responsibilities. I am so proud of them, they are a fantastic team. Thank you very much for all your hard work.
  • Year 2 S'mores

    Mon 15 Jul 2019
    Year 2 spent the afternoon toasting giant marshmallows on our forest school fire and sandwiching them between 2 chocolate biscuits! We got into a gooey mess but our s'mores were delicious! 
  • Year 6 open-fire cooking!

    Sun 14 Jul 2019 Mrs McLeod

    Thanks to Rob, the whole-day cooking experience in Year 6 has become a right of passage in the last days of the year. It recognises and celebrates the maturity and independence of our children. They have to build their own pit, scavenge for firewood, build and maintain thier own fires and use them to cook a three-course meal!  It requires lots of skills, especially problem-solving. For example, 'What does 175ml of water look like?', 'What can I put the pan on over the fire that won't burn itself?', and even 'What do we do with the dirty things now we're finished?' (You wash them up!).

    Huge success all round and some nommy food which was generously shared. Thanks team, and well done! Massive shout-out to Rob and our helpers - Mrs Sharman, Mrs Roberts and Miss Davies. 

  • Forest school Year 4

    Thu 11 Jul 2019

    Year 4 learned about predators and their prey last week in Forest school. They then played a game which highlighted the importance of the senses for all animals. 

  • Year 2 Assembly goes down a storm!!

    Tue 09 Jul 2019
    Year 2 performed their class assembly to the whole school, family and friends today. They were AMAZING!!! Not only did they perform really clearly and confidently but they also delivered a very powerful message about us all being responsible for looking after the world we live in, including our oceans. Their performance included singing, dancing, telling a story they had memorised as well as a talk 4 write which was 6 pages long!!! The children scripted all of the links and introductions themselves too! They have learnt so much across the year but they were all particularly inspired by our under the sea topic in which we explored some of David Attenborough's work, and in particular his attempts to educate future generations about climate change and what we can all do to preserve our beautiful world. Thank you to everyone who turned up to support them today. 
  • Reception have a taste of year 6!

    Mon 08 Jul 2019 Mrs McLeod
    Today, Reception class came and joined some of the Year 6 children for a little while, and they had great fun learning about 2D shapes. First we went outside and made our own versions of the shapes out of natural materials, then went indoors to do a rather funky dance routine connected with shape. Secretly, I think the year Sixes enjoyed this the most! We were all super-impressed with the children's learning and were blown away by the children being able to do their register backwards. Definitely going to try that in Year 6 too!
  • Did you know that Hinduism is one of the worls's oldest religions?

    Mon 01 Jul 2019

    Last week, Mrs Williams and her mother visited Years 3 and 4 to share their knowledge of the Hindu faith.


    Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions. Around 750 million follow this religion, which originated in Northern India near the river Indus, about 4000 years ago.

    Hinduism is practised by more than 80% of India's population.


    Thursday began with a demonstration of how to make chapatis. All children had a turn to roll their own chapati, a skill which is harder than it looks! They then sampled their work with a little sugar and butter, although chapatis are often eaten with savoury dishes.


    On the following morning, we were treated to a fascinating introductory talk about the way that Hindus mark and celebrate the stages in the life of a person, from when they are born. We saw real saris as well as a salwar kameez, which men sometimes wear.


    In the afternoon the children were able to experience their own henna tattoo.

    We had a thoroughly educational and enjoyable time and found out so many interesting facts. Many thanks to Mrs Williams and her mother for spending so much of their time with us.
